Tag Archives: David Lee

Portland Targets David Lee After Losing Turkoglu

David LeeAfter losing Hedo Turkoglu, who had committed to the team, to the Toronto Raptors, restricted free agent David Lee of the New York Knicks has become their top priority.

“We had been talking, but we’ll talk now,” Lee’s agent Mark Bartlestein told The New York Post last night.

The Blazers have long lusted after Lee, who also seeks $10 million per season, exactly the amount the Blazers are under the cap. Bartlestein said because Lee is restricted, the Blazers were fearful of waiting 10 days to see if the Knicks would match and instead jumped at the surer thing in Turkoglu.

The Memphis Grizzlies and Detroit Pistons are also said to be seriously interested in Lee’s services.

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Filed under New York Knicks, Portland Trail Blazers